Friday, October 07, 2005


Currently in the office right now. Nothing much to do right now, actually just waiting for a colleague to complete some documents before i could prepare to send them over to the various clinical departments.

Before i continue, did i write about the current job that i am being employed? I don't recall but anyway, i didn't really know what i was up for until the very day when i actually reported to work. When i first walked into the human resource departments, i presumed that i would be working down there. I was elated, "great, reasonable pay and a nice working environment, this must be a blessing". Well, i was wrong. Wrong in the portion where i'd be working in that office. I was sent to another department, MRO the acronym for (Medical Record Office).

I must say that the type of job that i'd expected wasnt compromised drastically, just a little. In fact, it's pretty good. I've got a desk to myself, and i'm still working in an office. (That's why i can write an entry now, in the office.) Cool.

About my job, i'm a clerk, basically i just have to do some tracking of medical records for the various staff personnels who requires them. When i've found the files needed, i just have to check it in, out or transfer them. Yes, you could say it's more or less being like a librarian.

Hmm...interestingly, today's my "slackiest" day. I don't really have much files to track for or to complete any other paperwork. I even had time to sleep! That's what you call making money, without even putting in alot of effort you get cash for sleeping! Sweet.

Alright i shan't boast or gush about my job now.

Today's friday! Great! The weekend's near and so it's time to party! (I cant wait for Saturday actually.)

Signing off now!


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