Tuesday, August 30, 2005

a breathing gap.

Finally, i've got sometime for myself to at least update my all-so-stagnant-blog. As you've reckoned, i've been busy with the school work. Projects, deadlines, assignments and exams to study for, etc.
Anyway, i'm left with my digital media project for now, should be able to complete it in a couple of days. I just can't wait to complete it so i could peacefully do my other revisions. School's been hectic for the past two weeks. There was endless loads of work, every night i complete some work, the next day i'll get more.
So this is poly life. B-U-S-Y
But i know i've got to perservere for just a couple of more weeks, because the reward of about 2 months of holidays will be coming up pretty soon. So that's a good motivation, yet a consolation prize.
As you all know, tomorrow or the day after is teacher's day. So Happy Teacher's Day to the teachers around the world! Cheers. So, a group of seven of us went back to barker today. Some wore the uniform, some didn't. Oh but i did. Anyway, we visited our newly crowned vice-principal, who was our former english teacher, the principal himself, our form teacher, lit teachers and i think that's about it. I DO MISS BARKER. I miss those days that i was in barker road, having all the fun that i can never receive from poly. Secondary school days are just simply fun, you make friends that would stand by you and friends that you could keep for all the years of your life. As i was on the journey to barker, my school's moto came into my mind, "Grow Old Along With Me, The Best Is Yet To Be".
Indeed it's so true, i've made friends with students and teachers that i could grow old along with. Really appreciate everything that has been passed down to me in barker road, the culture, the unique style.
Okay, i've got to end here. Got to get back to reality and start working on the project.


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