Sunday, April 03, 2005

a change.

I must say that not going to church on a sunday seems pretty weird now. Hmm, anyway church service been changed to saturday evening at five. So, i needn't wake up too early for anything on a sunday and the next advantage would be that i'd be able to visit other churches in Singapore(I mean, that's if i want to)!

Anyway, i was the host yesterday. No, not a MC, but i'm just suppose to attend to newcomers and yes i kind of attended to a newcomer. It was my first time, so i was really nervous, words didnt come out right from my mouth partly, because i really don't know what to say!

After service, i headed down to geraldine's birthday party which was coordinated by Leon. Hey Geraldine happy birthday! Hey Leon, good job! Your dory was nice! Got to meet all the other brothers again, was pretty much fun though i was just sitting around and engaging myself with food and nothing but food. Oh and like i've said, the black peppered season dory was really good, it was prepared by Leon. (Hmmm, Leon's a good cook.)

That was life yesterday. Today i'll be going down to church later for drumming lessons and next i'll going back to bishan to play soccer! I haven't played soccer for a long time, my legs are itchy, LET'S KICK SOME BALLS!

Signed out.

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