Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Month of happenings

As the title says it all, this month's a month full of activities for me. I'm actually in school typing this entry out. How nice, pfft!

Well i'm having my final year project right now and the latest news that i have received, is that i have been chosen for the overseas attachment to China, Dalian! Tentatively, i'll be leaving on the 17th of September, which inevitably, would be this month.

(Bloody hell, the keyboard sucks!)

So i'll be gone for 5 months and will be back in early February next year.

And i realised that damn its just a couple of weeks away, so it's really high time i have to catch up with all my friends before i leave for a long time! Will get all of you guys out sometime soon!

Another update, last week we, The Midas Touch had our Zero2Hero competition at Civil Service College and we got 3rd! So yeah...but i believe we all have done our best in putting all our effort for the competition! It was great!

Concurrently, I have also been working at Comex, IT Fair for three days, last week. First time working for an IT Fair, and i must say it was a pretty good experience, really enjoyed myself and also made some new friends!

If i'm back from China and time permits, i wouldnt mind working for the next IT Fair. Job offers, anyone?

Now, i'm just really tired. I need to catch up on some sleep. Have been sleeping for only 7 hours for previous week til today. Damn it, i feel so lethargic!

Anyway, I'm really happy that i got the opportunity to go overseas for my attachment! Really looking forward to a whole new experience, awaiting for me! But, shit, there's also alot of preparations waiting for me before i leave Singapore...that..i'm not looking forward to.

Okay, i think my lunch break's around the corner. So i'll stop here!

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