Sunday, July 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Fly Entertainment!

I must indelibly jote yesterday's happenings down on my blog.

On 07/07/06, Friday night, at zouk, i've experienced the most exciting and exuberant party of the year! And i could only be grateful and thankful to my aunt and uncle for bringing me along to this party! So thank you aunt and uncle, you're the best!

Now, let me explain what happened last night. Basically, the main event of this party's actually the seventh birthday or rather, the seventh anniversary of Fly Entertainment! So, my aunt and uncle, being a celebrity, was invited to this party and they were so nice that they even invited to go along with them!

So we got there in a car and when we reached the entrance of zouk, as usual they are the 'limelight' and i'd feel peculiarly displaced, simply because there is an incontrovertible line between celebrities and non-celebrities. Then again, when you are with the 'limelight' you will feel like them, and of course, absorbing the cheap thrills of being glamorous yet uncomfortable. Then at the door, we were warmly and well-received by the various ushers and for the first time, i neednt have to present an id to the bouncer! That was sweet!

As Fly Entertainment is a media company, the event was accompanied by staged performances and also the exhibition of the various artistes who has been with them for about 7 years (I'm pretty unsure about this)? And at that point of time, i was still busy trying to orientate myself, calibrating my position in the club so that i wouldnt feel so awkward.

Now, the good fun begin after the event ended. We were invited to the vip section and that was where all the havoc started. I can confidently admit that i've never enjoyed myself in a club this much as before. The way celebrities club, i would say in my opinion, revolutionary! I've never seen so many drinks being ordered at once and i've never taken so many photos in a club before!

I have to really thank yuan qi, for all that picture taking! Thank You! He's a really good photographer!

I would say through this party, apart from all that fun that i get, i think i've got to know a number of people whom are certainly 'healthy' towards my social network. Really appreciative about it and once again Thank You aunt and uncle! This entry's for you! Cheers!

p.s. If i can get some more pictures, i promise the next entry will be 'the gallery' of pictures. I'll be sure to post them up as soon as possible!

Velvet Underground Group Photo!

If you ever see her, tell her she's a goddess

The guy on the right's so hilarious!

My uncle and i!

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