I thought i'd blog later, but i can't help it but to blog about this particular issue that's somewhat, disturbing, worrying and shocking. Presently, i'm pretty much confidant to say that the end is drawing nearer and we're indeed living in the last days of earth. What i just saw on television was beyond belief but it is true and it's coming to past.
It was on the news and it reported that some american guy just created some microchip that could be imbued into your hand so that you could literally access the computer and information through your fingertips.
If you're a christian, i'm sure you've probably read the bible in various books such as Matthew, about some signs of the last days. There are many signs but certainly, the bible predicted this sign that in the last days, people would start to have chips inserted into their bodies and this is it. I just saw it on television, the prophecy is true.
I'm sure during the days of the bible, people couldn't be so advanced and high tech that would know how to churn out such an accurate conviction.
No seriously and sensibly, i don't think they were able to predict about the future, 2000 years ago.
I've to say that i'm very convicted after what i've just saw on television, that end is soon to come. It's just a matter of time.
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