Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Oh finally! The long awaited the day has arrived! Can't tell you how elated and ecstatic i am right now. The exams are over and the grueling semester has finally ended! Great!

If there's a day to remember about this year, it will be the 28th of August 2007 at 10.30 am, when the invigilators finally announced,"Okay. Please stop writing. Please ensure that you have written your Admin number and not your name. Do not talk, while the papers are collected." And then a few moments later... "You may take your leave now!" Yes! The magic phrase that determines freedom for the rest of my year - i don't have to take anymore exams for a few years from now!

Okay, back to reality. I know I haven't been updating for God knows how long it is. Then again, just a little update about life happenings right now.

So in a few days time - 1st September at 6.30pm - my band, The Midas Touch, would be performing for the Zero2Hero competition at Civil Service College!

I think it'll pay for all the effort that we have put in for the past few months, getting together almost every week in and week out just to practice as a band for the competition. I don't know how you guys have felt working as a band, but im sure we had our rough times but nonetheless, it's an honor to have the privilege to play with you guys - Aaron, Ariel, Daniel and Darren.

Talented bunch of musicians i must say. Thanks for everything yeah.

Okay, since there's almost nothing much for me to jabber about, i'm just going to head to bed...HAVE A VERY GOOD NIGHT Y'ALL!