Thursday, June 28, 2007


Watched transformers last night at its gala prem. If you like awesome animation and graphics, you should catch this show! Stunningly impressive! Loved it. Although you might sit till your ass burns (its about 2 hours and 45 minutes, by the way), it's worth watching!

Ah technology advances that it can create movies like transformers, as though they were real!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Fantastic. Four.

Just caught fantastic four on Saturday and i thought it was good. Jessica Alba's hot, Silver Surfer's the coolest, man what more would you ask for?

I think most of you should have caught it and I hope Transformers will be good, saw the trailers and it was pretty impressive. I have to catch that movie in the theaters no matter what!

Anyway, its been 2 weeks that my holidays have passed and damn, it's so freaking fast! I barely relished enough of the seemingly, last holiday of my academic year and its slipping away so discreetly.

Had been going for all(most) of my guitar practices on Tuesdays and Sundays, occasionally going back to school to complete some projects and meeting up with a couple of friends. Of course, not forgetting, the 'dotaing' and all.

So much to do yet so little time to do them. Now, I'm just left with another week of holidays, considering that I've only got 1 paper, so there's nothing much to fret about right now. But i will have to start studying soon.

I pray for a fruitful week ahead of me.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


This week was a terrible week. Mentally and physically drained by the pace of life i am having in school. Too much time have been wasted on nothing and it's so frustrating that sometimes, i have too many decisions to make and in turn, i have to sacrifice pre-planned plans for something so last minute that held a higher paramount of importance.

Nonetheless, i thank God this school week's over and i'm going to enjoy my weekends! Have a great weekend!