Saturday, March 31, 2007

Twisted ending

Joom reab suor!

People often say, "don't wish for things that you don't wish for". I think i could personally relate with that. If you have seen the previous entry i left on my blog, i wished that 2 weeks would pass quickly. However, now that I'm back in Singapore already, I really wished that i could still be in Cambodia.
As you could tell by now, I heartily enjoyed myself in Cambodia and it was far from my negative expectations just before i left for Cambodia.

I know my feelings before the trip and after it is rather extreme, but nonetheless, I'm glad I took up the opportunity to go over to Cambodia. It's really an eye-opener. The experiences i've gained from the trip is priceless.

In Cambodia, you get to do things that you can never do in Singapore, however you try to. Their culture is so diverse yet their lifestyle's just so simple that Singapore can't offer. Through this trip, I've learned many life values. One doesn't need extravagance to be happy, all you need is to be contented with the simplest and the littlest things that we have. Ironically, it's so difficult for a Singaporean to achieve happiness and contentment when we, seemingly have more than what they have.

The Cambodians have left a very deep impression on me. Their hopsitality and their genuine sincerity is simply so moving that they made it so hard for us to leave on Thursday, 29/03/07. No doubt, most of them are around the same age as us, but they really know how to make us feel really important.

Anyway, here's a shoutout to the Cambodians at KYA! Thank you for all that hospitality that really made us feel so welcomed! Thank you for all the love, care and concern that you have showered upon each and everyone of our lives during the 2 weeks stay in Cambodia! I truly enjoyed myself and I will never forget all the happiness that you've brought into my life, which i truly appreciate!

I'll miss Cambodia and I'll definitely go back and find them.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The trip

You can say I'm stupid or you can say I'm just out of my mind. But yes, i think I'm both sometimes. Especially when you're talking about making a quick decision which is all so, dilemmatic.

If you know me, I don't actually favor the school im currently in and for all the reasons - both right and wrong - i would actually agree to go Cambodia to do community services. What was i thinking? I wish I knew what was going through that head, when i made that decision on that particular dreadful and fateful day.

I thought Iylia did the right thing, I think i should just slap myself for being such a genius. I don't like the school and I would bother to go overseas (when i wouldn't even do shit locally).

If you ask me what would i benefit from this, let me put it all down on one slate and on another, what would have been sacrificed and lost.

To start off let me just say this, what i would benefit from it, doesnt seem as promising as what WILL be sacrificed. So in short, i don't really give a shit whether i benefitted from this trip, because i don't expect anything out of it. So a couple of pathetic cca points, which might seem almost negligible and what's the price to pay for this? 2 weeks. Next up, 'one-of-a-kind' indelible experience of your life and what's the price to pay? 2 weeks and 300 bucks. Lastly, which by the way, is the only consoling part of this trip, i haven't sat on a plane before and so it's good that i get to sit on one now. And i haven't been to Cambodia before, so it's good that i can go there now. Yes, that is it for all the benefits. Nice?

Delving right down into the sacrificial list, as it's been mentioned twice above, 2 weeks of my entire holiday. Before you start your uproars, i'm going into the second week of my holiday and if i am not wrong, precious holidays will only last for a month and a half. With that, after 2 weeks of Cambodia, a month will pass and i'm left with another 2 weeks of holidays. Next, still on the point about the cost of 2 weeks, you know how many events i would have to hopelessly miss? Brotherhood's going to Malaysia together and I know it's going to be hell of a time when everyone's there. It would seem more logical to spend that money with the school, but what more could you ask if you see yourself having more fun spending time with good friends Not only will i miss this, but a party that i am invited to by my aunt. A party that will be filled with quality company, good food and drinks. Yet i will be spending my time doing something maybe, you could call it 'fruitful', boring the shit out of me at a place i could even barely call it safe.

Well i'm just going to end the list here. I know, that the money has been spend, air tickets bought and i should make the best out of it. At this point of time, i'm pretty frustrated with making the best out of the situations, (I know this will be a very controversial topic) but it just shows that im so pretty helpless and all i help myself is to relent to the situation i'm in - yes, make the best out of it.

I must say that, that's all that is left to do but i definitely gained one experience from this and WOW, how much of a hassle it could be just to get over from Singapore to Cambodia AS a group representing your damn school. Honestly, I was totally caught off guard about having to attend bonding camps and classes about computer maintenance and all. Little did i know that the level of commitment demanded would be expected for just 2 weeks of community service, totally unprepared for it. Maybe i should "thank" my friend for putting it so brutally nice and bitterly convincing that we would just head over there and setup computers. Well, i would't blame him for it but he was my closest friend in school and maybe, i was too naive to think that everything would be alright if he's going.
Maybe i should think that its fortunate that a bonding camp was planned before the trip, intending to give you a little feel about the people you will be working with and how lonely you will feel, even though you are in such a big group.

Amazingly, even before i step into Cambodia i had already acquired one hell of an 'experience' and with that, i will conclude that you know, going for school expeditions are too much of a hassle and it's nothing that i'd love doing yet too much of a commitment burden to carry during my short-lived holidays.

I cross my fingers that life will not be as bad as i thought it would be and those 2 weeks will pass by in a blink of an eye.

I hate meetings. It's bullshit.

Friday, March 02, 2007

To mars and back.

So finally, I've decided to get my butt down to blogging. But I'm going to keep this short as it's getting really late and i - am a sucker for sleep - need just alot more rest.

I think the last entry did not contain any greetings for the new year, so here's a very belated Happy New Year(Thank God for Chinese New Year)!

Alright, an update about my life at this point of time - nice. But for the past few months...nah. I didnt really have any life actually, it was all about school, meeting project deadlines, studying for all the tests that were bombarded one after another.'s one of the factors why i didn't have the time to update this dead blog. HOWEVER, right now i'm just about to try to keep this blog in motion again!

Life's really good now, at least for now. Simply because the exams are over and everything about school's over. And i could finally have some precious time for myself and friends. I can't express how happy or rather relieved i am right now that i could finally have a taste of freedom - sweeeet!

How time flies so quickly, I really do wonder sometimes how'd I ever gone through those dreadful days and weeks and now, I'm moving on to my final year which i must say that I am happy yet sad at the same time. Happy that i am one year away from getting out of the school which i never enjoyed, but i am rather reluctant to grow up.
It's funny how when you were younger, at the age of 16 and you're dying to become 18, but when you've finally reached 18, you wish time would just stop for awhile or even rewind back to the time when you were 17, offering you that privilege of relishing in those moments for at least a couple of years more, yet knowing it's never going to happen.

Life still goes on and on.

I know it's a little anti-climax right now to end this entry here so abruptly, but nonetheless, i need to sleep...Anyway, i hope everyone's doing fine and all goes well for this new year! Goodnights!